Mar 4, 2022 | Uncategorized
Koelle Simpson and Meghan Walla-Murphy explore the profound insights we can learn by observing a bear’s way of life. From the ways in which bears model the vital importance of rest and play to the ancestral trails they’ve form over many generations, Koelle...
Mar 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
Koelle Simpson shares when we cultivate a sense of genuine safety in our human relationships it provides each of us with the key ingredients needed to support our bodies natural healing process....
Mar 1, 2022 | Learning from the Herd
Restoring Our Wellbeing Through Trusting Relationships PREFER TO LISTEN INSTEAD? CLICK HERE (Audio recording 16 mins) Reestablishing trust in relationships is the key to unlocking our innate capacity for healing trauma. Since the word trauma can conjure up many...